MESCM MESCM is a professional entity operate in affiliation with Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP); Learn more Middle East Supply Chain Management For Training & Consultancy contact us Get certification of SCPro™ Fundamentals exams and SCPro™ level One from CSCMP

About us

MESCM Is A Professional Entity Operates In Affiliation With Council Of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP);
Our Egypt Campus Is Accredited To Prepare Individuals To Take And To Deliver/proctor For SCPro™ Fundamentals Exams And Scpro™ Level One;
While The Supply Chain Management Is The Management Of Up And Downstream Relationships With Suppliers And Customers To Deliver Superior Customer Value At Less Cost To The Supply Chain As A Whole.


staff on three continents


consulting engagements


learning community members

Main Services

Brief about CSCMP

  • Council of supply chain management professionals (CSCMP) founded in 1963 & is the preeminent worldwide professional association dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of research and knowledge on supply chain management.
  • Council of supply chain management professionals (CSCMP) is a leading association of supply chain management professionals present worldwide.
  • The council of supply chain management professionals (CSCMP) has been providing networking, career development, and educational opportunities to the logistics and supply chain management community.
  • With over 8,500 members representing nearly all industry sectors, government, and academia from 67 countries.
  • CSCMP members are the leading practitioners and authorities in the fields of logistics and supply chain management

Our Mission

Focusing on assisting individuals & companies in Egypt and Middle East  with their supply chain management  and providing educational opportunities to the logistics and supply chain management.


Instils supply chain management concept in the Middle East individual businesses and organizations and raise the value of opertaion with the sound business practices.

Customer satisfaction 90%
Performance 80%
Experience 70%

Our Services

Strategic Implications of Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management is the business discipline responsible for buying everything an organization needs to function, converting it into…

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Demand and Supply integration

Demand and supply itegration begins with the inputs labeled “Demand Forecast” and “Capacity Forecast.” The demand forecast is the firm’s best….

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Supply Management And Procurement

Procurement is a competitive tool that can make or break a company’s ability to win in the marketplace; one of the most difficult challenges…

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Manufacturing And Services Operation

The creation of form value is a foundational responsibility for the supply chain. This form value is usually created through manufacturing and assembly….

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Logistics Management – Transportation

Transporation is the key activity since it is a central for time and place, or deliver, value creation capabilities of the supply chain and it is physically….

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Logistics Management – Warehousing

As important as transportation is to facilitate the creation of time and place value, it is only half of the solution to fulfilling customers’ requirements to get products…

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Doing the right thing,

At The Right Time.


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Accredited certification


Satisfied Trainee

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